Freshers Fayre:
Freshers Fayre Production:
Freshers fayre was our first big task assigned to our class, we was set with the task of creating and publishing content for the freshers fayre at North Kent to bring more attention to it. This could be done in many different promotional ways however, we had to come up with the content and ideas ourselves.
The person in-charge of the fayre was Trevor Fox, he is the face of SU (Student Union) and wanted us to help with the fayre as, being students we would have an idea on what would get others excited for the fayre and what would bring most attention to it.

Meeting with Trevor Fox:
Meeting footage:
As mentioned above Trevor Fox was the person in-charge at the Freshers Fayre so, a few days after we were told about the fayre Trevor came in to meet us and talk about what he wanted from us and to see if we had any questions for him.
The meeting lasted around 30 minutes and even know the class did not have any specific questions written down to ask we showed a decent level of professionalism when questioning Trevor on some issues or inquiries we had with the fayre.
Some of the questions we asked were:
What would be the hotspots of the fayre?
What and were would you like us to promote?
Who would you want us to interview?
What type of content would you like us to create?
Who would be there?
These questions helped the team brain storm later on and create a rough plan on what we needed to capture and where to setup cameras and how many interviewers we would need on the day.
Planning for Freshers:
The following afternoon after the meeting with Trevor the team began to plan for the fayre in greater detail. After the new things Trevor had told us we began to come up with new ideas and began to fill out the pre-production paper work needed for the fayre, this included; budget sheet, risk assessment, shooting script and roles.
The first thing we decided to do together was gather roles of what people wanted to do on the day. My specific role was, camera operator. I took this role as, this is my line of work and what I feel is my strongest point, this would mean, not only would I have to film but, also take on the role of being head of camera placement on the days as, no one else really wanted to so, I began to brainstorm the kit I needed and what I wanted to achieve on the day of the Fayre.

Creating of the promotion:

For promotion Sam and I had the task of creating a poster and also a banner for the college website.
We started off by creating the poster. First we brainstormed ideas on what we needed to add to make the poster eye catching and make people want to look more into freshers to find out what it was about. Sam and I decided we wanted to make the background more colourful but keep it simple so we took a standard photo of the college off of the internet and blurred it slightly to see how it would look. After we messed around with the blur setting enough we asked for other ideas on what we could add to the poster.
This is where we came up with the QR code, a QR code is a simple way of promoting social medias, videos or anything on the internet, all we had to do was find a website that allowed us to create a free QR code added the social medias of the college onto it and copied over onto the poster. From here all we then added was the finishing touches of the freshers logo and the college logos in the bottom corners.
Once the poster was complete we, printed around 50 of them and began to go round the college sticking them to windows and walls around the campus for people to see and scan to find out about freshers.

Next we wanted to change the mayday banner as, the original was plain and did not attract people to look at it.
This was easier to create than the poster as Sam and I already had an idea of what we wanted to create, we stuck with the college colours and added the dates of freshers as well as, the logos and the QR code from the poster.
One problem we faced with this was, our original idea included a countdown timer for freshers however, when we spoke to Trevor about it he said it could not be done as, that was something that would have to be created by IT and we did not have time to do this.
Pre-Production Paperwork:
Here is all the paperwork created for the Freshers Fayre
(created by Harry Adams):

Meeting with the Interviewers:
The sound clip on this section was taken from mine and Megan's meeting with DJ level 2 to tell them about the interviews that they will partake in during Freshers fayre.
We setup this meeting to talk to them about what we would like them to say and where we want them to mostly stand. Megan and I thought the best thing for them to do was to rotate every so often to allow other people to have a chance at interviewing as well as, make the edit look better as it would not just be the same interviewers over and over again and add some variety to the edit.
Promotional & Interview Videos:

Evaluation of the Freshers Fayre:
In my opinion I believe the fayre went well considering it was our first event to film together as a class.
However, it could have gone a lot smoother as, it was very hectic to begin with as, we had planned it all out previously but, when it got to the last day to plan many people were not in and this really affected us as, many things had been changed or adapted on the last day but, people did not know as we could not tell them. The things that changed were roles, floor plan and the interviewers not having scripts or times which was a huge problem.
This meant on the day it was extremely hectic as no one really knew what was going on and we did not have a producer meaning, it was each to their own. This became a problem especially for me as, I had to do a different job that I originally did not want to do. The job given to me was to record the interviews which I did not mind doing however, it was not what I originally planned on doing.
What I actually planned on doing was filming a lot of B-roll for the editors this was a big job that needed to be done as, this held the edit together and without it the edit would not flow correctly. However, I did not actually get to film any B-roll meaning the edit was not as strong as it could of been in my opinion.
Apart from this issue everything else went well and we managed to get good footage across the board.
For the next event we do as a class we need to achieve the following;
Plan the event properly by establishing each role and sticking to them.
Ask for or create a complete floor plan to show were we are going to be based and where to capture the best footage.
Have less interviewers so it is easier to work with.
Gather help for sound and extra jobs.
Have a system for kit so we can keep track of where everything is such as, used batteries, lens, etc.