Personal Brand
Pt 1- What is a Personal Brand:
A personal brand is you it is your online presence and how people see you, its your skill set and what your good at and how well known you are in a social space. How do people people see you online and what will be shown when they search your name or your companies name.
"Your personal brand is like what people say about you when your not in the room"- Jeff Bezos.
- Here you will find a word document that shows the 8 sections of a business plan how we are going to achieve them.
Pt 2- Comparing Brands:
Tom Holland:
Tom Holland is a good brand to compare due to his huge presents online, he has a massive following due to his fame in the film industry, he is extremely well known and loved by many. This is a good comparison as, due to his fame Toms brand is massive along side his fame on social media and films he also has side brands that tie in with clothing companies, due to his wide range of different outfits many companies use his name to promote different types of clothing and accessories.
Konstantin is has a lot smaller presence than Tom Holland in the media industry his brand is smaller and less well known, Kon films for a YouTube group called the Sidemen he also, films and creates his own YouTube videos as well as, create sets, films music videos and Vlogs. He's also appeared on a few podcasts and has his own merchandise. This is a good comparison to Tom Holland as, there personal brands are opposite due to Tom having a massive following and Kon having still a big following no where as big as, Tom.
The difference in jobs also plays a part in personal brand as, Tom is in front of the camera where as, Kon is behind it however this does not mean Kon can not make his brand bigger and branch out into different fields of work.
Pt 3- Personal Branding:
1. How findable are you?
2 out of 10- I have given myself this rating due to not owning any business accounts online I have many online accounts however none of them are business orientated mainly personal. This could be improved by simply creating a business account to share my interests and work that I have done.
2. Where do you get credited?
6 out of 10- This rating comes from the work either I or others have created always have my full name at the end and the unique role I have played in that piece. To improve this rating I will have to create more pieces of work that either get more viewers or to work with different groups to get my brand out there.
3. How much do you engage in your creative community?
5 out of 10- I believe this rating is fair due to the people I know and follow on social media, I follow many stars who work in the industry as well as, watch people on YouTube who have the same carer path that I would like. I like to watch people who work with cameras often or just work behind the scenes of films and Tv shows. To increase this rating I need to go in more depth with social media as I feel as if that is the weak point as, I do not follow many people on things like Instagram who are behind the camera.
4. What do you have online that could damage your personal reputation?
1 out of 10- I have given this such a low score as I believe I have nothing on the internet that could damage my personal reputation as, I am extremely careful with what goes online about me as, from a young age I was taught how dangerous the online world could be if the wrong thing was put out about someone and therefore have always watched what is posted about me.
5. How much of yourself comes through what you do?
7 out of 10- When it comes to my work I often put my heart and soul into what I create as, it is me its what I love to do and the job I dream of having I try to put as much effort into my work as possible and showing my own personal taste and swing on what I create. To improve this rating I need to branch out into different genres of media to show how I can always put my own stamp on my work no matter what it is.
6. How much of a specialism do you display?
6 out of 10- I feel as if this rating is fair as, I feel as if I show a good understanding in the role I want and can execute it well. To improve this I need to go find more client work and show off my true skill there as a camera operator.
Pt 4- Production Crew:

- These are some of the options Sam and I have brainstormed to create content for. Some of these are;
Fireworks- Creating promotion or content for a firework company.
Mind/SU- Create a documentary about mental health.
Drama- Film/ live stream an event that they create or BTS of the sound and lighting department.
Equestrian Course at Hadlow- Record lessons or events they go to and make videos for online presence.
Pt 5- Formal email:
-This is a document containing a draft of a formal email that will be sent to the head of Theatre technicians, we are looking to create a form of content for a BTS of the technicians.
-This is the improved email that was sent off to Alex Cooper enquiring about working for him.
The changes made between the two emails is minimal however, it allows the email to flow better and get the point across better, the improvements made makes the email also seem more professional due to the right language used.
This helps me have a better understanding when writing my own emails in the future and furthers my business plan as, I can reach out to more companies by myself knowing how to right a formal email. This therefore will give me more work opportunities.