Weekly reflection Log:
Week 2:
We started this week by finishing our interviews and the editing for them, I think mine turned out well the editing was simple but, the answers given were to a good standard and I feel as if I gave good answers in detail.
We were also given our first class project this week to record freshers week in the college. We started by assigning each other roles to decide who was doing what at the festival we created a plan in the things we needed to gather or create and got to work.
Sam and I worked on promotion for the festival by, creating a poster and banner for the college website, we printed around 50 posters to stick around the college. The poster featured a QR code which allowed people to scan it to gain access to Miskin Medias social platforms; Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Twitter. This brought attention to the posts made to promote the festival and give more information about the day.
Furthermore, we had two interviews this week one with a man named Trevor. He came in to talk to us about the festival as well as, Student Union. Student Union is something used in college that allows the students to have a voice. He explained to us what he wanted with the festival and gave his opinions on our ideas.
The other interview was with Nick, he came to the college for an interview with us to give us some work experience for his company, however I did not take this opportunity as, I did not feel a connection to his work and therefore did not think it was for me.
Week 3:
This week was Freshers week, which meant planning. For most of the days I finalized planning and also went to talk with Year 2 Digital Journalism, I needed to talk to them about doing interviews as, we did not have any interviewers.
Thursday was the day of the festival, when I first arrived it was extremely unorganised as, the day before many people were not in college meaning, when we tried to finalise the plan a lot of pieces were missing.
It started off badly in my opinion, with people not really knowing what they was doing or where we was going to setup however, as people started to turn up and the interviewers came over I took responsibility grabbed a camera and someone to hold the zoom box and headphones and off we went to go film some interviews.
Once we got the ball rolling it became a lot more organised with everyone either helping out with the DJ side or finding things to capture during the event. I managed to capture around 15 interviews with either students or stalls at the festival which will help with the edit.
After the event was over the footage was given to the editors to begin there part of the process. As a class we came up with how we wanted the edit to look and what style we wanted. The ideas we came up with were, a 30 second to a minute promotion of freshers to be used in the future and a 10 minute longer video that will have the interviews in to go onto YouTube, at the end of the week the promo was finished and the editors had moved onto the YouTube side creating not only the interview video but, also a bloopers reel of best bits during the event.
This experience will benefit my businesses plan in many different ways however, the one that stands out most to me will be the clients section. Even though this event was in-house it still benefits this part as, this was my first event that I covered and has given me an insight on what to expect from a client and how to work with bigger crowds whilst filming.
I think this was also a good first experience due to it being in-house meaning, even though it did not go completely smooth it did not matter as much due to the client getting it free and we could expresses the fact that this was the first event the class had covered together and may not go as smoothly as we had hoped.
Week 4:
The next week was mainly just editing and gathering kit, I took the role of kit organising and taking it back to the studio to be put away but, after this was done I really only focused on my own work with my portfolio being my main subject I also, occasionally looked at the edits being made and gave feedback on what could be changed or added to make it look better.
I missed college on Friday due to being unwell the whole week and feeling the worst on Friday, I took this time to rest and continue working on my portfolio.
Week 5:
Week 5 was another portfolio week I managed to completely catch up with every task on my website but, we did have a meeting with someone from SU to talk about what they was looking for from us to create however, I do not think I will go for this option as Sam and I have another idea that suits us more. We was also given information on new projects to work on as a class, these were to create promotion for the Dartford bonfire night. We have been asked to film the event and create promotional work for them, I am excited for this and looking forward to it.
Also, we had a lesson this week about Finance and how to do properly do it, I found this lesson particularly easy as, I have previously worked on budget sheets and things like this so, I had a basic idea on what to do but, in saying that I do know that it can be more in-depth and I am excited to learn about this.
Week 6:
We started this week off by having a meeting with some clients from Dartford Lions club, their names were Rags and Av, they came by the college to have a talk with the media department as they had a job for us.
As it is the Dartford Lions 50th anniversary they wanted to do something special for the Firework night they host every year and for this years idea they wanted to get live coverage of the event to bring attention to it and to post their social media status further.
This is where we come in, they gave us a list of things they wanted us to cover at the event and what kind of content they would like us to create.
I was very excited about this opportunity as, it was a big event that can have over 15,000 people at it and would be good experience for me to work with such a large group of people.
This can also help develop my business plan as, I am getting more experience working with a full team of people on a project and getting to work in the dark can further my camera operating skills.
This will also help me as, for this event I am co-producer with Emily, I have never really helped produce anything before but, I believe I can do a good job at it as, I have good people skills and I think I am good at organising things.
I am really looking forward to working on this project and getting all the plans ready for the day.
Week 7:
This week consisted of a lot of planning for the event and also gathering the equipment needed.
Emily and I began by giving out roles for each person and deciding what needed to be covered the most, once this was done I had an idea to create an Interview set where we could take specific people to have an interview in a different environment.
This would help develop my business plan further as, I it is another element to the business that I have never really been a part of however, I really enjoy designing things and have always taken an interest in set design so I believe this would be a good opportunity for me.
However, later in this week Emily and I had a talk about the Interview space and decided it would be best to leave it as, it was a lot of hassle trying to find the right things for it and as, we did not have a large budget it was wasting a lot of time trying to find specific items. Furthermore, it would be extra kit that we would need to take care of and pack away after and therefore, we decided it was best to not use this idea anymore and save it for another project.
Week 8-11:
I have been extremely busy lately with this project and planning the final few steps needed for this project to go smoothly. Me and Emily have been talking with Rags to finalise some issues we both had and what else needed to be added to the Instagram before the final ticket sales day.
This will impact and allow me to develop my business plan as, I now know how much planning needs to go into a festival and I can learn from any mistakes I have made during producing this event.
This event will push my own personal brand as, it is something to be proud of on my portfolio as, it was a big event that I not only filmed but help organise and even though it did not go perfectly I learnt a lot and know what to do next time.
All the event planning and how the filming went can be found on the 'Dartford fireworks' tab, the edit has been completed to a decent standard but, I believe it could have looked better if more footage was captured.
This will also help progress my business plan as, I can identify issues our production had and this will help me improve my knowledge to beat my competitors.
FC Sutton Dynamo shooting day:
The shooting day for Sutton Dynamo went really well for Super 8 Studios we got some good footage to start creating a Promotion video for the club.
Sam and I setup for the shoot by firstly, looking at the pitch the team were training on to decide where to place the cameras. We both agreed on having one camera on a tripod in the corner and another handheld one walking around capturing shots of the training drills going on.
We managed to gain a lot of footage of many different varieties on this shoot and our clients seemed impressed with how we acted whilst filming and how we handled each situation. Hopefully, we can make a good impression once the promotional video is completed as, this could help our companies name and boost our attention meaning, a lot more teams will reach out to us in the future for potential work.
Billy's story filming day (pt1):
This shoot was very difficult to start-up and get organised not due to anyone's fault just bad timing as, it is the time that every student begins to film their FMP's so therefore, kit is hard to get a hold of.
However, we managed to work around this issue and come up with a new plan on the day that required less kit and to make the set still look how we envisioned it.
Week 1:
This was the first week of college and my third year at NKC, the course I am attending is a mix between media and digital journalism, the course will cover how to create money in the industry and how to work with clients. This course is beneficial for me as, it will give me good experience when working in the industry.
The first task we was set was to think of 5 words to describe me, this was a sort of ice breaker task to allow everyone in the class to gather an understanding of our personalities and to ease us into the class, I found this helpful as it allowed me to relate to certain people in the class and give an easy way to create conversation.
After a few more icebreaker questions we moved to our first official task, we was given a brief to create a 5-10 minute interview with a random classmate asking multiple questions to each other to get a better understanding of each other.